Aural Soilscapes, Creating Ecological Consciousness to Climate Change
Aural Soilscapes : creating ecological consciousness to climate change is an Art-Science collaboration aiming to cross the artificial boundaries separating contemporary arts and sciences. This research project is a collaboration between the artist Sandra Volny PhD founding director of Sound and Space Research, with Ruth Schmidt, PhD in biology and postdoctoral fellow at Etienne Yergeau’s lab at IRNS, François-Joseph Lapointe PhD artist and tenured professor of biology at Université de Montréal, Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne PhD senior scientist at the Sustainability Science Lab at McGill University, Nicolas Bélanger PhD professor of environmental sciences at TELUQ, and Ariel Beaudoin-Lambert student currently doing a DESS in art, creation and technology at Université de Montréal. The research group would like to thank the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science for its support.
Sandra Volny, PhD, artist, founding director of Sound and Space Research.
Ruth Schmidt, PhD, postdoctoral researcher at INRS - Armand Frappier, and affiliate of the Milieux Institute at Concordia.
François-Joseph Lapointe, PhD, artist and tenured professor of biology at Université de Montréal.
Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, PhD, senior scientist at the Sustainability Science Lab at McGill University.
Nicolas Bélanger, PhD, professor of environmental sciences at TELUQ.
Ariel Beaudoin-Lambert, student currently doing a DESS in art, creation and technology at Université de Montréal.