Sound travels, spreads, unfolds. As vibrations of a source in a medium, it is not only a physical phenomenon, but also a perception. What can we perceive of a space through sound? What is the origin of our relationship with sound?Raymond Murray Schafer attributes the first sound, its origins, to the voices of the sea « The ocean of our ancestors is reproduced in the watery womb of our mother and is chemically related to it [...] In the dark liquid of ocean the relentless masses of water pushed past the first sonar ear." (Schafer, 1977). According to psychoanalyst Didier Anzieu, since its first month of life, the new born bathes in "a sound bath" (Anzieu, 1995). Where does sound come from ? Where does it go?

Sound and Space Research is an international artistic research platform. Initiated by artist Sandra Volny, Ph.D, the project question our experience of sound in space through interdisciplinary artistic research and practices. 


Every space has its aural architecture, « [J]ust as light sources are required to illuminate visual architecture, so sound sources (sonic events) a rerequired to ‘illuminate’ aural architecture in order to make it perceptible. » (Blesser, Salter, 2007). How can we move from this perception to imagination?  How could we imagine anything if we could not have images and only sounds? 

In the beginning was noise, a "background noise, this tremendous chaos of barely organized sounds that can be heard in the universe as soon as one is silent and listens to the breath of the world. .], but also the noises of the body, the gurgle of the entrails, the beating of the heart, the breath of the lungs. (Serres, 2011). This perpetual background noise, it still resonates today in the living spaces and in us.

ound and Space, un groupe de recherche initié par Sandra Volny au cours de ses recherches doctorales sur le son.

Dans un prolongement de sa recherche sur la Survivance du son et la conscience auditive.

Réunir des artistes et des acteurs du milieu de la recherche sur le son. Afin de créer un groupe, partager des idées, approfondir des concepts, partage de savoirs. 

Créer une plateforme artistique et de recherche internationale, nomade, libre. Projet indépendant qui collabore avec des institutions, faire le pont entre la science et l'art. faire le pont entre le monde académique de l'université et la pratique artistique. 


Utiliser interaction et énergie du groupe.


etre inspiré par des lieux, des territoires, qui ont des résonances différentes. 

Aller aux quatre coins du monde pour


Transmettre, partage.